Summer Aid

Thinking about attending Summer Session at Cal State L.A.? We provide a range of Financial Aid options for eligible students, including grants and loans designed to help you cover the cost.

  • Summer Pell Grant will be automatically awarded to students with one full term of remaining Pell Grant eligibility
  • State University Grant Funds will be automatically awarded to students who meet SUG eligibility, based on availability of funds 
  • Students interested in Summer Federal Student Loans are required to submit a Financial Aid Advising Request Form and indicate Summer Loan Request as the subject line. 

For more information about summer fees, payment plans, calendar and class schedule, visit Cal State LA Summer Session Website

  • Must have not exhausted financial aid eligibility for the current academic year.  
  • Must be a matriculated degree-seeking student at Cal State LA.
  • Must be enrolled in summer classes (College of Professional and Global Education and/or main campus) that will count toward CSU undergraduate, graduate, or post baccalaureate programs.
  • Must be in good academic standing with the university.
  • Must meet Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) standards for financial aid at the end of Spring in order to receive a disbursement.  
  • Must have filed a current FAFSA, complete the required financial aid process, and meet all applicable eligibility requirements and deadlines.
  • Must be enrolled in at least in one unit through state-supported classes to be eligible for a State University Grant (SUG) and Pell Grant.  
  • Must be enrolled in at least six units to be eligible for a Summer Federal Direct loan.

The Federal Pell Grant, State University Grant (SUG), and Direct Loan programs are available to assist matriculated, degree-seeking Cal State LA students, enrolling in state-support and/or self-support classes that count towards their CSU undergraduate, graduate, and approved post baccalaureate programs.  Alternative private education loans, may also be available.

Federal Pell Grant

Summer Federal Pell Grant is automatically awarded to undergraduate students seeking a Bachelor's degree or officially admitted into a post-baccalaureate teaching credential program who have at least one full term of remaining Pell Grant eligibility. Awards will be prorated for students enrolled less than full-time. Must be enrolled in at least in one unit through state-supported classes to be eligible for a Pell Grant.  

Students who utilized their entire annual Pell Grant award during the academic year (Fall and Spring semesters) may be eligible to receive up to a full term of Summer Pell Grant.  Additional Summer Pell Grant information is available on the Summer Pell Grant FAQ section of the website.

State University Grant

The State University Grant (SUG) is designated to cover the State University Fee (SUF). Students must be enrolled in at least one unit in state-supported summer classes to qualify for SUG.  The SUG program is available to California residents and students with an AB540 status who are pursuing their first undergraduate, credential, graduate and post-baccalaureate degrees. State University Grants will be awarded based on the availability of funds and student eligibility. 

Federal Direct Loans

Summer loans may be available to students who have remaining annual loan eligibility and are enrolled at least half time. Students interested in borrowing Federal Student Loans for Summer must submit a Financial Aid Advising Request form no later than the deadline published.  Advising Request forms submitted past the deadline will be reviewed on a case by case basis. 

IMPORTANT:  Financial Aid is limited to the annual limit of their financial aid award.  This means that the student may not receive a financial aid award that exceeds the maximum amount allotted for one academic year.  For more information on remaining financial aid eligibility, please inquire with Financial Aid and Scholarships.

The Summer Cost of Attendance at Cal State LA includes tuition fees and expenses for housing, food, educational materials, and transportation.  Additional information is available on the Annual Cost of Attendance section of the website.